Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Instant Backreference Effect

While browsing news sites, I frequently refer to Wikipedia when I encounter a reference to some medical procedure or person of note or anything at all that I'm ignorant of. Lately, I've noticed an interesting trend: By the time I get to the Wikipedia article for the topic I'm curious about, it already has a link to the site I was just reading.

The specific incident of this effect that made me take notice of it was the Kaz II Ghost Yacht incident on April 18, 2007. It was all over the news for being what the Mary Celeste wasn't: A ship found completely abandoned with the the table still set for dinner. When I opened up the article on the Mary Celeste, I found that a section about the Kaz II had already been written only two days after the incident occurred.

I felt a little bit like the character from Harvey who tried to read the encyclopedia entry on Pookas only to find that the titular invisible rabbit had inserted the text, ...and how are you today, Mr. Wilson?

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